Affordable Lexington, NC workplace injury attorneys
Something happened probably bad, now it's your problem to make it right!

The law is complex, let us do for you what your not sure you can do for yourself. 
When you need someone to fight for everything that's coming to you.
When you have questions and your not sure where to find answers.
Let us deal with the lawyer stuff, you have enough on your plate.
To learn what we did for others like you, read Owen's story!!

Best workplace injury law firm Lexington, NC
When your average day, suddenly becomes anything but average!

If your hurt on the job don't count on your employer to pay your bills, or take care of your family. There's a good possibility
they won't help anymore than they can getaway with.

Did you know that workplace accidents in this country are so prevalent that we actually have a national holiday
devoted to it. It's the truth, it's called the Workers’ Memorial Day and it's observed on April 28th.
So one day a year the companies we work for give us a day, the rest of the year???

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Expert Lexington, NC construction injury lawyers:

Each year almost 3 million nonfatal accidents and injuries happen to
workers in the private sector.

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Best construction injury attorneys Lexington, NC:

Of those people almost 5 thousand won't
be going home after work. So you have
to ask, what happens to your family if
your not there?

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Lexington, NC construction accident law firms:

Because of these accidents, the American taxpayer shells out 1/4 trillion dollars
each year. If you have been hurt and
need to talk, we will listen and we
can help...

Owen's Story...

Owen was a laborer for a large construction company, he didn't have much in the way of an education. But while Owen didn't have a great education he wasn't stupid and his main goal in life was to take care of his family and spend as much time with his wife and kids as
he could.

And though he was a common laborer, Owen was always on time for work. Hight's didn't bother him and when it came to following the
safety rules his boss knew he could count on him, also he was a good worker who did his job without complaint.

One morning Owen and a number of coworkers were told to get on the roof and continue with what they had been working on the day before. Now this particular morning was quite cold, the weather temperature had dropped overnight and the roof was wet and a little icy.

Owen's foreman needed a tool they didn't have with them, so he sent him to climb down the scaffolding stairs and get it. As he got about halfway down the stairs his feet slipped out from under him, although Owen was able to stop himself from falling all the way down the
stairs it came at the cost of a severe knee injury...

Expert workplace accident lawyer Lexington, NC

Injuries caused by hazardous conditions in the workplace are more common than you think. And while most accidents occur on construction sites, there
are also a wide range of injuries suffered by workers in other settings.

Injuries and illnesses sustained in the workplace can range from a sore
muscle to a long-term disability. As a result, it is important that you
contact a workplace accident Lexington, NC lawyers plans to
determine if you have a claim.

Owen's Story Continued...

When he had time to look at what caused him to fall Owen noticed ice and morning dew on the metal treads of the stairs. Now Owen had the proper safety gear on that was required steel toe boots and a hard hat. What he didn't have on was a safety harness because the
company he worked for didn't require it, and although he was able to stop his fall by grabbing the railing, he was in a lot of pain
from his knee injury Owen did exactly what he was supposed to do.

He called out to his foreman, who contacted his supervisor, who in turn got Owen back on the ground and into the warming tents where he
told Owen to put some ice on his knee to help with the pain and get the swelling down. At the end of the day his supervisor took him to
the company doctor, who told him they would need some tests done to find out the extent of Owens injuries...

construction injury attorneys prices

Construction accident lawyers Lexington, NC

Sometimes, repeated repetitive work over a prolonged period
of time can cause construction injuries. This can wear out
the muscles and tissues and cause damage.

It can also lead to serious injuries which could result in
mobility limitations and even disability.

You are entitled to compensation regardless of the type or severity of your construction injury.

A good personal injury lawyer can guide you through each
step of your case to ensure that you win your case.

Owen's Story Continued...

Owen had an MRI done and did one month of physical therapy along with cortisone shots into his knee. Then they decided he could come back to work on light duties, except his supervisor's idea of light duties was carrying heavy concrete blocks up and down a hill that didn't
even have steps. It didn't really take long for his knee to give out and the work he had done for the doctor was a waste of time.

And now his knee was worse that it was when he first hurt it, and although his employer tried to find other work he could do eventually his job was considered redundant and Owen was out of a job. Also because his knee was for the most part destroyed he would never be able to
find a job in the only thing he knew how to do, and that paid enough to take care of his family and make his monthly payments...

Best Lexington, construction
injury lawyer

Injuries at work can have a major impact on an employee's physical
recovery and livelihood.

While most workplace accidents can be avoided with proper safety precautions, injuries can still happen and a qualified expert
construction injury Lexington, NC lawyer can help you
receive compensation.

We have a reputation for providing quality legal representation to
clients in Lexington, NC.

Owen's Story Continued...

Now because he was hurt on the job he did have access to medical treatment. The specialist the company was paying for tried surgery but Owen was in constant pain, and he had trouble getting around. Eventually they considered the surgery a failure and did the only thing
they could do, which was a complete knee replacement.

Even after his knee replacement and months of hydro and physical therapy Owen was still in pain. Working in their garden, playing
with his kids, even going up and down stairs (which he had to do sideways hanging on to the railing) were an exercise in pain...

construction injury attorneys prices

Expert workplace accident attorney Lexington, NC

A person with a thorough knowledge of construction injuries is essential to help you get the compensation you deserve.

This will allow you to have the best chance possible of getting
the compensation you need.

  • Lexington, NC affordable construction accident lawyers
  • Lexington, NC construction accident attorneys quotes
  • Construction accident Lexington, NC lawyers price
  • Construction injury attorney deals Lexington, NC
  • Lexington, NC construction injury lawyer costs

Owen's Story Continued...

Also even with workers comp their savings was slowly getting smaller so Owen and his wife sat down to discuss what to do now that he couldn't work and decided to contact a personal-injury lawyer specializing in workers-comp law. Now the attorney, they talked to checked
out what Owen was receiving through workers-comp insurance, and found out that the company was doing everything they were
required to do. But the attorney decided to contact a colleague who specialized in negligence compensation.

construction injury lawyers deals Lexington, NC

If you have been hurt on the job, you need help. Depending on just how bad your hurt, maybe a lot of help....

construction injury attorneys prices Lexington, NC

When you have questions and your not really sure where to go to find the answers you need... 

workplace accident law firms quotes Lexington, NC

You have bills to pay, a family to support, and your bill collectors don't care what your problems are...

workplace accident Lexington, NC law firms cost

Let us deal with the lawyer stuff, you have enough on your plate.
Contact us now, time is not your friend...

Owen's Settlement...

Because of the icy stairs Owen received a lump-sum payment from the company for early retirement, and his lawyers also contacted the insurance company for workers-comp that gave him an undisclosed amount for his continuing pain and suffering. Which is the
insurance company's way to keep people from knowing how much they had to pay.

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P: (336) 594-2886

110 N State St 
Lexington, North Carolina 27292

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